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The Fighters That Make The Brand

The life of a fighter is not for the faint of heart.

To get to the highest level of martial arts takes extreme dedication, discipline and sacrifice.

We're proud to support those courageous enough to pursue it in both Jiu Jitsu and MMA.

While we say that Coffee&Kimuras is a brand by fighters, for fighters, the reality is that we can only hope to be half the fighter that all of the guys below are.

We're delighted to be behind them, support them, encourage them and, of course, kit them out in the slickest fight gear on the market!

Jiu Jitsu

The submission artists

Yan Pica Pau

Marcelo Cohen

Alef Brito

Gabriel Daffron

Ferdinand Heider

Liam Veras

Luca Veras

Marco Torres

Team C&K


The All-Rounders

Decky McAleenan

Nathan Chambers

Marcin Zembala

I'm very proud to be representing Team C&K in some of the biggest competitions in the world

— Marcelo Cohen

Team C&K

Represented on

Join the team

We're always keeping an eye our for new athletes to add to our team. If you feel you align with our brand, send us a message below with some details about you, your experience, your social media links and what you can bring to Team C&K!

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